Abstract submission

Abstracts for keynote lectures, symposia, oral presentations, poster presentations, round table discussions or workshops should be submitted using the conference registration e-Form. Abstracts should be at least 200 words long but not longer than 300 words, and written in good English. Each submitted abstract will undergo revision, based on which a decision on acceptance for publication will be made. One author may participate in the conference with up to three papers, but only once as the first author.

Abstract should include the significance and context of the problem, objectives, sample, methods, results and conclusions. In the case of theoretical works, the content of the abstract should be adapted to the content of the paper. Abstract should be followed by three to five keywords.

We planned 10-15 minutes for each oral presentation.


Symposium registration

Moderators should register symposia using the conference registration e-Form stating the name of the symposium, and a short description (200- 300 words).

Announcements within one symposium are to be sent should be sent as attachments using the Attachment button within the e-Form. The button is visible once "Symposium" is selected under "Form of participation". Allowed file types: DOC, DOCX (Microsoft Office Word), ODT (LibreOffice Open Document Text), PAGES (Apple iWork Pages), RTF, TXT, PDF. Max file size is 10 MB. Each announcement should contain: title of the paper, name and surname of the author, author’s title, affiliation, text of the paper (200 - 300 words), keywords.

The symposium can have a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 announcements.

The symposium moderator may, but does not have to be (co)author of particular paper submitted within the symposium.

The moderator, in agreement with the symposium participants, organizes the content of the symposium.

One participant can be the co-author of a maximum of three papers, but only once as the first author.

Papers can be co-authored or stand-alone.


Round table registration

Moderators should register round tables using the conference registration e-Form stating the name of the round table with a short description (200 - 300 words).

Roundtable participants should be listed as co-authors when applying.


Workshop registration

Moderators should register workshops using the conference registration e-Form stating the name of the workshop with a short description (200 - 300 words).

Workshops should also be available for online participants, so it should be emphasized whether registration is required to participate in the workshop.


Book promotion application

A promotion of a book from the field of psychology, published from January 1, 2023 to July 1, 2024, is one of the forms of presentation at the Days of Applied Psychology conference.

The application should be submitted using the book promotion registration e-Form (not to be confused with the conference registration e-Form) by the book author/s, along with the following information:

  • Name/s, last name/s and affiliation/s of the author/s
  • Contact information of the author/s: e-mail/s and/or telephone number/s
  • Names, last names and affiliations of other speakers at the promotion
  • Book details (title, year of publication, publisher, ISBN)
  • A short summary of the book (up to 500 words)
  • Excerpts from the review of each of the reviewers (with their names) (up to 300 words each)

In addition to the author, speakers at the promotion may be book reviewers and special guests suggested by the author.