Explore how your narcissistic traits can positively affect your life

Dora Popova Uzunovski, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria


This workshop offers an interactive exploration of narcissistic traits, providing insights into their impact on personal and professional relationships. The workshop aims to foster self-awareness, enabling participants to identify their own narcissistic tendencies and understand their origins. Through Alexander Loven’s theory of narcissism, self-assessment tools, and group discussions, attendees will gain insights into the spectrum of narcissism, distinguishing between healthy self-regard and detrimental narcissism. We will use the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) by Raskin & Hall for measuring the narcissistic traits and gestalt techniques (empty chair), through which every attendee can assess his or her narcissistic personality and explore it. By examining the effect of these traits on decision-making, communication, and behavior, participants will improve strategies to mitigate negative effects, enhancing their emotional intelligence and interpersonal effectiveness. These strategies involve developing a stronger connection with oneself and engaging in clear self-reflection on how to manage and control narcissistic behavior as part of their self-image, rather than the self.

This workshop will last approximately one hour and will provide a clearer picture of the distinction between narcissism as a characteristic trait and toxic narcissism as a disorder. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore their narcissistic traits, enabling them to consider how to utilize them positively (e.g., for professional self-promotion, enhancing self-confidence in social situations, and fostering body positivity). 


narcistic traits, self-image, influence