What are cookies?

Cookies are files that are located on your device, containing a small amount of data that your browser and website access, offering certain types of functionality. The DPP (Serbian: Dani Primenjene Psihologije) website (hereinafter referred to as "DPP", "DPP website", or simply "website") uses cookies to a minimal extent and in a non-intrusive manner. No type of cookie used on the DPP website contains any personal user data. Accessing this site implies that you automatically agree to the use of strictly necessary cookies, but certain additional site features require acceptance of additional types of cookies.


What types of cookies do we use?

The DPP website uses three types of cookies:

  • strictly necessary – these cookies are essential in to enable a visitor to move around the website and use various website features, such as adjusting the theme and accessibility options
  • analytical – 3rd party Google Analytics cookies for anonymous traffic analysis
  • social networks and external services – 3rd party cookies placed by servers of services and social networks such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter


Strictly necessary cookies

Strictly necessary cookies are used to establish a connection between clients (visitors) and servers, ensure security, and improve visitors' user experience.

Cookie name Expires / Max-age Cookie description
{random alphanumerical sequence} user session This is a strictly necessary cookie for establishing a connection between our servers and the device from which a visitor accesses the website
consent 30 days Contains information about the visitor's acceptable level of privacy, i.e., which cookies the user accepts, in the form of values 0 (strictly necessary), 1 (strictly necessary and analytical), or 2 (strictly necessary, analytical, and social media cookies)
theme 30 days Contains information about the selected color scheme (light/dark), ensuring consistency in display when moving around the website. If a visitor does not change the default theme (light), the cookie is not used, i.e., the cookie is set at the moment a visitor decides to theme the theme for the first time
CyrLatConverterSelected 30 days Contains information about the visitors's charset preference (Cyrillic/Latin), which allows for consistency in display when moving around the website. If the default charset (Latin) is not changed, the cookie is not used, i.e., the cookie is set at the moment a visitor initiates the first charset change.This cookie is used only in the Serbian version of the website.
_GRECAPTCHA user session Contains data on session analysis that allows risk assessment (spam protection) during an e-Form submission. The analysis result is a numeric value between 0 and 1, representing the probability ratio of a script/bot (0 = 0%) or a human (1 = 100%) interacting with the website.


Analytical cookies

Google Analytics [https://analytics.google.com] is a tool which allows website owners to access various statistical reports and metrics of user interaction with the content on the site. As a user accesses different content on the site, Google Analytics enables website owners to use JavaScript libraries that record various data, such as the page address that the user is accessing, how much time they spend on the page, and the like. These libraries use HTTP cookies to "remember" what kind of interaction the user had on previous pages and thus create a kind of activity map during the visit. This type of activity is anonymous and limited to our pages.

The gtag.js library, on which Google Analytics relies, uses cookies for the following purposes:

  • Distinguishing individual visitors
  • Distinguishing sessions at the individual visitor level
Cookie name Expires / Max-age Cookie description
 _ga 2 years Used to distinguish among individual visitors (does not collect any personal data)
 _ga_<container-id> 2 years Used to persist session state. In other words, this cookie is uses to anonymously track a user session and to achieve statistical accuracy – when the same visitor returns to the website again after a certain period of time, Google Analytics uses this cookie to "recognize" that it is indeed the same visitor who has previously visited the site. GA then simply continues recording interactions of this visitor with the website and stores data accordingly, which improves statistical output.

Source: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gtagjs/cookie-usage

Please note that our website uses version 4 of Google Analytics as of January, 2023.


Cookies set by social networks and external services

DPP is not responsible for the content of cookies that are placed on the devices of visitors to our site by servers of services and social media such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. The DPP website may use embedded content from social media on its pages, which is delivered by servers of those networks under certain conditions that may or may not include the use of cookies. To prevent the unintentional placement of unwanted cookies through embedded content, visitors who choose to opt-out of using these cookies will not have access to embedded content, along with an appropriate message informing them of the consequence of such choice.

For more information about social media cookies and their usage, you can visit the following pages: