20th Days of Applied Psychology will be held at the premises of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Niš. It is located in Ćirila i Metodija 2 street, in Niš, Serbia.


Air Travel

Travelers traveling by air to and from Niš typically use international airports in Niš (INI), Belgrade (BEG), Sofia (SOF) or Skopje (SKP).

Constantine The Great Airport in Niš is 4km away from the city. Low-cost airlines Wizz Air and Ryanair, and also Swiss air and Air Serbia, operate direct flights in regular air traffic from Nis to Vienna and Salzburg (Austria), Basel and Zurich(Switzerland), Budapest (Hungary), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Stockholm and Malmö (Sweden), Berlin, Dortmund, Dusseldorf, Nurenberg, Cologne, Gothenburg, Hannover and Memmingen(Germany), Vienna (Austria), Bratislava (Slovakia), Rome and Milan (Italy) and a number of other European cities. All necessary information can be found on the website of the airport, https://ini.aerodromisrbije.rs. Although this website might offer information about airport transfers, we recommend a taxi ride, which costs around 5 EUR (paid in RSD) to take you to the Faculty of Philosophy:

  • Bros taxi: +381 18 4155541
  • Eko taxi: +381 60 3309000
  • Taxi 500: + 381 60 6301500

In addition to these direct lines, travelers can also come to Niš by using international airports in Belgrade (BEG), Sofia (SOF) or Skopje (SKP). A number of companies operate car shuttle services for transferring passengers between these airports and Niš at very competitive prices. At scheduled times shuttle operators wait for travelers at the airport or pick them up in Niš to drive them to the airport.

Alternatively, public bus services may be used for travel between these cities and Niš, with bus line connections being especially good between Belgrade central bus station and Niš (http://www.bas.rs). Bus tickets can also be bought online from the Niš bus station (https://onlinetickets.nis-ekspres.rs/#/index)


Travelling by car

For participants coming by car, the European motorway E75 routes through Niš. From the north, you may use any highway from the Hungarian border over Novi Sad and Belgrade to Niš. From the northwest, you can travel over Austria, via Slovenia and Croatia to Belgrade and then to Niš. These are all modern highways, including the section Belgrade – Niš. It is a fast road with four lanes and 130km/h speed limit. At this speed, travel time from Belgrade is usually two hours. The same goes for travelers coming from the direction of Bulgaria or Northern Macedonia. Modern highways run from the borders of both countries to Niš. Tolls are paid for highways within Serbia, while vignettes are required in Bulgaria.


Travelling by bus

Almost all buses traveling from the northwest into Bulgaria or further southeast to Turkey will stop in Niš. All buses traveling between Belgrade and Greece or Macedonia will stop in Niš. An average bus ride from Belgrade will take three hours, but make sure you opt for a “direct“ bus from Belgrade central bus station, as some buses will stop in a dozen towns on the way, sometimes getting out of the highway, and prolong the ride considerably.


Travelling by train

Railway links include international trains from Thessaloniki (Greece) to Ljubljana (Slovenia), via Skopje, Niš, Belgrade and Zagreb, as well as from Istanbul (Turkey) to Vienna (Austria), via Sofia, Niš, Belgrade and Budapest. The trains are usually slow and not very clean, but tickets are cheap, the scenery is beautiful, and sleeping cars are usually an option. The train station is 2 km east of the main square, a half hour's walk.

Source: Wikitravel - Nis