Following the Days of Applied Psychology conference, the papers presented during the event can be published in their entirety. To ensure compatibility with publication standards, all full-text papers must adhere to the guidelines provided below. Each submitted paper will undergo a double-blind review process, which will determine its eligibility for publication.

We welcome the submission of expert, theoretical, review, and original research papers that have not been previously published.

The deadline for full paper submissions is February 28, 2025.


Full text submission

Please submit your paper via email to:



Papers should be written in proficient English. We strongly recommend having the paper reviewed by an English language expert before submission to ensure a smooth review and editing process.


Text editing and length

Please prepare each full paper in the docx file format using Times New Roman font, size 11, and single line spacing (1.0). Set the paper format to B5 (170 × 240 mm) with uniform margins of 2.54 cm on all sides. Please refrain from numbering the pages. The template is available at the following Google Docs link.

Ensure that the length of the paper body does not exceed 30,000 characters, which includes spaces but excludes references. We kindly request that papers adhere to the SIMRAD structure.


First page

The first page should contain the title of the paper, name/s of author/s, name of institution/university (affiliation), and an e-mail address.



The abstract should be limited to 1,400 characters (including spaces). Additionally, papers may include a Serbian abstract, which should be placed at the end of the paper following the references.

The abstract should encompass the problem's significance and context, objectives, sample, methods, results, and conclusions. For theoretical works, the abstract's content should align with the paper's content.



The abstract should be accompanied by a list of up to 5 most relevant keywords.



Each table should be labelled with consecutive Arabic numerals (e.g., Table 1) and accompanied by a caption that provides a clear explanation of the table's content. This caption should be positioned above the table. Tables should comprehensively present all necessary data without referring to the main text.

Integrate tables directly into the relevant sections of the text, placing them where they are most suitable. It's important to create tables exclusively using Word's table tools, and they should not include lines or any other elements added as separate objects.


Figures, graphs and images

Figures, graphs and images should be seamlessly incorporated into the text and identified with sequential numbers (e.g., Figure 1). Each figure should be accompanied by a caption positioned below it, which includes the figure number, a descriptive title, and any essential explanations or legends. It is recommended to refrain from using unnecessary lines and shading in the figures.

All graphics and pictures must be in grayscale (black and white).



See official most up-to-date APA guidelines at the following link:


Footnotes and abbreviations

Minimize the use of footnotes and abbreviations. Footnotes should only contain supplementary text that enhances the comprehension of the main content but would otherwise weigh down the primary text. Footnotes should not be used for citing bibliographic references.

Ensure that all abbreviations utilized in the text, tables, and illustrations are properly explained.


International standards

All measurements must adhere to international standards and should be rounded to the nearest practical value as appropriate. It is essential to employ international standards when using statistical indicators.

For decimal numbers, please adhere to the following example format: "1.53," "2.89," ".001," and so forth.


Quotation permissions

Authors are obliged to secure written permission for the publication of extended quotations (exceeding 350 characters), illustrations, or other segments of another individual's work or publication. These quotations should be appropriately attributed by referencing the author's name, the year of publication, and the page within parentheses.



To safeguard against unauthorized reproduction of papers featured in the proceedings, the Faculty of Philosophy, Niš retains copyright as the publisher. Authors maintain the right to utilize their own material at their discretion without requiring additional permission.


Review process

Each paper will undergo review by two independent and anonymous reviewers. The decision regarding the publication of the paper will be made by the editorial team after considering the reviews.