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20th Days of Applied Psychology

Conference Program

The program of the 20th Days of Applied Psychology will consist of plenary lectures, symposia, oral presentations, poster presentations, round tables, workshops, and book promotions.

A special session is reserved for the Cooperation Hub workshop. Authors who wish to establish international cooperation will have the opportunity to present their projects that are planned or already in progress within this session. To participate in this session, it is necessary to apply via the appropriate e-Form.

If you wish to participate in the 20th Days of Applied Psychology as an audience member and receive links to lectures and thematic sessions, please register using the Audience Registration e-Form.

Keynote speakers

Most distinguished guests of this year's edition of the Days of Applied Psychology

Program Scheme

The complete program schedule of the conference: calendar and schedules of all sessions and accompanying activities – all in one place.

Round tables

A form of group work that involves discussions or debates on various scientific topics among a larger number of participants who are equal among each other.


Symposia mostly gather a smaller number of prominent scientific workers with the aim of discussing and debating a specific issue. Moderators are responsible for the overall communication and interaction between symposium participants.


This form of group work gathers a larger number of participants who set common, concrete goals and work as a group to achieve them. The focus is on active participation in work, direct training and the application of modern, creative techniques for problem solving.

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Organizing Commitee
Scientific Commitee