Days of Applied Psychology (in Serbian, Dani primenjene psihologije or Дани примењене психологије) is a traditional annual non-profit conference organized by the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Niš, Serbia. Founded in 2004, it was initially designed as a space for psychologists from the Southern Serbia region to meet, present their work, and exchange ideas. Over the years, the number of participants grew quickly, attracting an increasing number of scientists and practitioners from various areas of psychology in Serbia and other regional countries. Initially consisting of only Serbian plenary lecturers and participants, it eventually drew attendees from across South Eastern Europe and later throughout Europe, transforming the Days of Applied Psychology from a small local conference into a regional one. Serbian was the working language of the conference at its inception, but after a decade of work, the 10th Conference Days of Applied Psychology broadened its scope and became an international conference with English as the working language.

Today, the Days of Applied Psychology prides itself on its good scientific program, traditional South Serbian hospitality and cuisine, and exciting social program for which it has become well-known. Its aim is to become one of the benchmark conferences attracting psychologists from all over the world. The motivated and professional team forming the scientific and organizational committees works hard to deliver the promise of exciting scientific ideas, good company, and good food to all the participants of the conference.

The Days of Applied Psychology is now one of the prominent conferences in the field of psychology in South Eastern Europe.